Nov 2nd: We are each called to a vocation. Called by God to do something with our lives.
This week, we celebrate Vocations Awareness Week and pray especially for all those discerning a vocation to the priesthood, religious life, permanent diaconate, consecrated single life, and marriage. We also pray for those who have chosen a vocation to the priesthood, religious life, and the permanent diaconate and offer up all our prayers for their spiritual and physical well-being.
We are all called to a life of holiness and we pray that we discern well the path that God lays before each of us.
(Click image below to see video)
And, we pray for our nation as we take part in the National Election. We invite you to join in this short prayer:
Lord, we thank you and praise you for the gift of our nation.
We ask you to bless and protect the election process.
Give voters your wisdom and discernment in their choice of a Presidential candidate.
Give our nation peace, and protect us from all division.
Finally, God our Father, fill our hearts with your peace so that we can continue to work patiently toward building your Kingdom of God in this world.